Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cash Gifting Is Legal?

Cash Gifting Is Legal?

This could be the most important question in your mind, especially if looking at cash gifts for the first time. Because of its enormous potential to create incredible wealth, it is certainly the first thing I wanted to know, because I have absolutely no desire, to enter into any business with  legal problems,  Now I'm sure Cash Gifting does not have any.

So this is what I discovered about Cash Gifting:

During the investigation of this activity, it is imperative that you keep in mind that there is nothing written or verbal that tells us what is legal, it only stipulates what is NOT legal.

Research online  and you discover that there is no governmental or legal proof that cash  gifting is illegal. What you will find is that people express their own opinion not based on facts. Through research and experience, I have yet to find someone who can show me a law in black and white, saying giving cash, is illegal.
Now, in fact, I learned that  American,  Canadian and Uk citizens have a right to gift property, cash and other assets, the same as many other countries.

I also found that most well-organized gifting programs require each participant to use some form of Gifting declaration and / or a non-solicitation form, which, when signed, become binding agreements between two individuals. It is said that these forms are used to ensure the longevity and legality of a Gifting program.

So, gifting money to someone, either a friend a family member or a stranger is legal according to tax rules. Once again, there is no specific national law I could find to say that the Gifting of cash is not legal.

That said, it is important to note that not all cash gifting programs may be legal in their structure. It is true that there were some that were not. Unfortunately, there are still some old school cash gifting programs out there (mostly offline) that are not adequately structured to support their efforts for any long period of time, and use some kind of illegal pyramid structure.  As a result, many of these types of programs for the most part offline, were closed by the government, for being an illegal pyramid with the  structure of the base becoming ever wider. This gave cash gifting a bad name.

However, in recent years, and with the creation and development of the linear structure, things have changed and more and more people will benefit from using this type of program than with any other cash gifting Structure in the World.

for further information Go To My CASH GIFTING WEBSITE Right Away!

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